KARACHI To bid farewell to Nisar Mohammad Khan, Chairman FBR who is going to retire in January 2017, the Chief Collector Customs (Central), Samaira Nazir Siddiqui and Officers of Pakistan Customs Service (Central Region) arranged a farewell luncheon at Custom House Lahore on Saturday
Nasir Masroor Ahmad, Member (Customs) FBR also graced the occasion with his presence.
Speaking at the Ceremony, the Chief Collector Customs (Central) Madam Samaira Nazir paid rich tribute to Mr Nisar Muhammad Khan for his valuable services rendered to the department. She also praised the leadership and professional excellence displayed by Mr Nisar Muhammad Khan during his tenure as Chairman FBR and specifically lauded his role in achieving the revenue target of above Rupees Three Trillion for the first time in the history of FBR.
The Member (Customs) FBR while speaking on the occasion shared his views on the glorious career achievements of Mr Nisar Muhammad Khan. He thanked the Chairman for making FBR one of the most vibrant entities within the federal government.
Chairman FBR, while speaking on the occasion shared his experiences during his 32 years long career in civil service. He stressed upon the young officers to infuse in them the qualities of hardwork, dedication and service to the country
Collector MCC ( Preventive) Lahore Mr Zulfiqar Younas hosted the ceremony and also appreciated the services of Mr Nisar Muhammad Khan and said that the dedication, competence and principles on which Mr Nisar Muhammad Khan led his career were indeed a role model for the senior and young officers alike. A large number of retired and serving officers participated in the reception. At the end Chief Collector presented shields & gifts to Chairman FBR & Member Customs. The Chairman also signed the Custom House Visitor Book and appreciated the arrangements made by officers of Collectorate of Customs Preventive Lahore.
More such events would also beheld at other formations also.