KARACHI: The Directorate of Transit Trade, Peshawar has directed 18 logistics companies and bonded carriers to provide proof of safe transportation of US/NATO/ISAF reverse cargo to Karachi and its further dispatch out of the country.
The Directorate observed that according to PRAL, some of consignments of reverse cargo transported by these bonded carriers from Torkham to Karachi are still pending in the system (not de-sealed) ‘as per enclosed list’.
Therefore, the logistics companies/bonded carriers are advised to provide the documentary proof of safe transportation of the said reverse cargo to Karachi and its subsequent dispatch out of the country.
In case of failure, the Directorate will be constrained to initiate legal proceeding required under the law against them.
It may be mentioned here that Para 9 of CGO.1O of 2012 dated 31.07.2013 requires that authorized bonded carrier transporting the US/NATO/ISAF forces cargo under this CGO shall comply with relevant customs formalities of chapter XXV of custom rules 2001, also notified vide SRO 601 of 2011.
Under rules 639 and 641 of the SRO 601 of 2011 the bonded carrier is responsible and bound to carry the goods to its destination without any delay and with utmost hast. The transport operators bonded carriers are also bound to deliver the goods within prescribed time limit. Sub para-11 (viii) of CGO 10/2012 has fixed this prescribed time limit to transport the cargo within 15 days from the port of entry to the port of exit.