KARACHI: On the night of December 8th, 2024, acting on intelligence provided by an agency, the Customs Enforcement team in Karachi, led by Collector Moin Ud Din Ahmad Wani, Additional Collector Basit Hussain, and Deputy Collector Raza Naqvi, conducted a significant raid at the Mauripur Truck Stand on Hawksbay Road. The operation targeted the storage and transportation of smuggled goods.

The raid uncovered a sophisticated smuggling operation involving the concealment of whey powder and skimmed milk behind crates of fresh apples in a refrigerated container. The truck driver initially presented a Goods Declaration claiming the cargo consisted solely of fresh apples. However, further inspection revealed 880 bags of whey powder and skimmed milk, weighing a total of 22 tons.

The estimated market value of the seized goods, including the trailer and container, is approximately Rs. 50 million. Three individuals have been arrested, and an FIR has been lodged.

This successful operation underscores the vigilance and effectiveness of Karachi’s Customs Enforcement in combating smuggling activities in the region.