Karachi: Former Senior Vice President FPCCI and General Secretary UBG (Sindh Zone) Muhammad Hanif Gohar has said that the federal budget is not for exporters, traders, industrialists and those who already pay heavy taxes, but from the new federal budget. Smuggling will be boosted and inflation will be on the rise, this budget is also disappointing for the construction sector and it seems that some forces are trying to rob the poor and middle class of their dream of owning a house by making the products used in the construction industry expensive in the country. He expressed these views during the dinner given in honor of Council of Economic and Energy Journalists (CEEJ) President Raja Kamran, Secretary Kashif Munir, Vice President Anjum Wahab, Secretary Information Masood Ahmed Siddiqui, Treasurer Muhammad Ashraf and officials and members. Hanif Gohar said that Pakistan’s economy is not improving, the increase in exports is becoming a dream, the construction sector has been eclipsed and the construction industry has stopped due to unnecessary taxes and related industries are suffering from crisis. In the increasing inflation, it has become difficult for the poor people to live, the government should control the inflation so that the poor and middle class people can easily get two meals a day. He said that President FPCCI Atif Ikram Shaikh, in consultation with Chief Patron UBG SM Tanveer, should carefully review the reports sent to the government and remove the deficiencies in the budget. Hanif Gohar said that our politicians and the present government should at least unite to control inflation and strengthen the country’s economy and put their differences aside for the betterment of the country. Bring a scheme to make things cheaper so that the poor person does not need anyone to provide two meals a day for his children and to educate them, especially the self-esteem of the people should be taken care of.