In a significant blow to drug trafficking networks, the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) has successfully carried out nine operations across Pakistan, seizing over 1 ton and 784 kilograms of illegal narcotics and apprehending eight individuals suspected of smuggling activities.

The operations, which spanned various regions, included notable seizures at Peshawar Airport where two passengers bound for Qatar were found in possession of 4.6 kilograms of methamphetamine, commonly known as Ice, and 99 grams of hashish.

In a concerted effort to dismantle the drug trade in Balochistan, the ANF conducted two separate raids in the Chagai and Chaman areas, resulting in the recovery of a staggering 1 ton and 501 kilograms of opium and an additional 93 kilograms of methamphetamine.

Closer to the capital, near the M1 Islamabad, a vehicle search led to the discovery of 87.6 kilograms of opium and 80.4 kilograms of hashish, with one suspect taken into custody.

In the urban locality of Malir, a haul of 9.5 kilograms of hashish and 1.5 kilograms of marijuana was confiscated.

The university areas of Peshawar were not exempt from the ANF’s vigilant watch, as operations near two educational institutions culminated in the seizure of 6 kilograms of hashish and the arrest of four suspects.

A separate incident near KachPul in Islamabad saw the recovery of 150 grams of cocaine from an individual now facing charges.

The suspects apprehended in these operations have been charged under the Anti-Narcotics Act, and investigations are underway to further dismantle the networks involved.

The ANF’s relentless campaign against drug smuggling is part of a broader national effort to protect Pakistan’s economy and social fabric from the detrimental effects of illicit trade, which is known to finance terrorism and other anti-social elements. The success of these operations marks a commendable stride in the country’s fight against drug trafficking.