KARACHI: An application filed by Directorate of Intelligence & Investigations in a petition filed by Royal Impex, heard and decided way back in 2019 was withdrawn by the counsel for applicant/respondent D.I.T.
A custom appellate bench of High Court of Sindh was hearing the matter and on 12-4-2019 ordered personal appearance of Deputy Director of Directorate of Intelligence & Investigations (D.I.T).
The petition pertains to interference of D.I.T in respect of consignments of Export Processing Zone. The bench on previous date of hearing perused the application filed under section151 C.P.C seeking compliance of order passed way back in 2019. It was contended by the applicant department that DIT has filed a contravention report which was not considered by the Adjudication Collector concerned.
The bench held that perhaps it is an inter-departmental issued and application demonstrates personal interest. The bench with above noting ordered the DD of DIT to appear in person on 19-4-2023.
The application when taken up, counsel for the applicant department submitted on instructions that this application is not pressed and a withdrawal may please be allowed.
The bench with displeasure over wasting precious time of the court allowed the request.