QUETTA: Customs Intelligence and Investigation Quetta has seized large quantity of sugar, which was to be smuggled abroad.

In the wake of smuggling of sugar and urea to Afghanistan and in continuation with FBR’s policy of crackdown against the smuggling and based on the specific directions of the DG Customs Intelligence Mr. Faiz Ahmed Chadhar and under the supervision of Director I&I, Quetta Ch. Muhammad Javaid the team of Directorate of I&I Quetta led by Inspector Hamid Habib conducted a daring raid in the notorious Hazarganji area of Quetta in an Intelligence Based Operation with the assistance of other LEAs.

The raid resulted in the recovery of 2300 bags of sugar (115.5 metric tons), destined for smuggling to Afghanistan, as well as the recovery of 200 HTV tyres. Total value of seized goods is Rs. 25 million. It must also be taken to note that such raids have not been conducted in the recent past in Quetta due to serious law and order situation created by the locals.

It may be mentioned here that the Prime Minister has ordered strict vigilance on the smuggling of essential commodities abroad.

Sugar smuggling abroad can have various effects. If sugar is smuggled out of a country, it can lead to a loss of government revenue because the smugglers do not pay taxes or duties on the sugar.

Smuggling can also lead to price distortions in both the exporting and importing countries. In the exporting country, the price of sugar may be artificially inflated due to the shortage created by smuggling. In the importing country, the price of sugar may be artificially lowered due to the influx of smuggled sugar.