KARACHI: Government has allowed export of goods to Afghanistan and Central Asian Republics against Pakistan currency on filing of regular shipping bills without requirement of E-Form.

Ministry of Commerce has notified Export Policy Order 2022 vide SRO 544(I)/2022, which allows export of edibles, cement, pharmaceuticals, textile, building stone and surgical instruments etc in Pakistan currency.

The Order provides all items and commodities produced or manufactured in Pakistan, exported via land route or by air against irrevocable letters of credit, confirmed orders on realization of export proceeds through banking channel or advance payment, in convertible foreign currency, will be allowed zero-rating of sales tax on taxable goods; rebate of Federal excise duty and repayment or drawback of customs-duty.

However, duty and tax-exemption including refund of petroleum levy will not be available to the export of petroleum products unless there is a Government-to-Government contact and export is done only though oil marketing companies (OMCs) duly registered with the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA). Surplus of JP-8 (Jet fuel) will also be allowed to be exported by the refineries or OMCs.

Export shall be allowed only through authorized export land routes i.e. Torkham, Chaman, Ghulam Khan, Qamar Uddin Karez and Kharlachi.

To recall, last week government allowed import and export under barter trade with Iran and Afghanistan.

“Barter trade has tremendous importance to increase regional trade to overcome foreign exchange and other challenges,” the ministry said.

Export of goods from Gawadar Special Economic zone to foreign countries and to the tariff area shall be in accordance with the rules and procedures to be notified by the Federal Government.

Export, reexport, transit and transshipment of all the commodities falling under export control on goods, technologies, matcrial and equipment related to the Nuclear and Biological weapons and their Delivery systems Act,2004 and control lists notified thereunder shall be in accordance with the Export Control (Licensing and Enforcement) Rules, 2021.