ISLAMABAD: The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) has Wednesday approved immediate import of 100,000 tons of urea to facilitate the farmers and meet their fertilizer demand, the Committee approved immediate import of 100,000 tons of urea.

Besides, ECC decided to allow additional import of urea in the event of any demand-supply gap.

The ECC directed the Ministry of Industries and Production to review the price mechanism of fertilizer industry for ensuring provision of urea to farmers at cheaper rates.

Committee directed the relevant institution to check market manipulation activities in the fertilizer sector and use all the powers available under the law to penalize such behavior.

Finance Minister Asad Umar chaired meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee of the Cabinet (ECC). The Industries & Production Division briefed the Committee about the availability of urea in the country.

Committee was apprised by the Industries Division about the status of NAB cases against seven persons involved in corruption in Pakistan Steel Mills. Interior Division informed the meeting that the name of seven persons had been recommended for placement on Exit Control List (ECL).

Utility Stores Corporation informed about preparations for the Ramazan Package. ECC directed the Industries Division to ensure that in Ramazan package is implemented effectively and the intended relief is passed on to consumers.

Statistics Division gave a presentation to the Committee about inflation and price situation of various items in the country. It was decided to constitute a sub-Committee, under the chairmanship of Minister for National Food Security & Research, to review the supply and demand situation of essential food items to ensure stable prices in the country.

The Committee accorded approval to a proposal of Ministry of Petroleum regarding Fuel Supply Agreement between Pakistan State Oil (PSO) and State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR).