KARACHI: The MCC Appraisement East has re-distributed assignments of deputy/assistant collectors within the collectorate.

Deputy Collector Muhammad Ali Malik is moved from HQ, Group-VI, MIS-II, CPF and assigned HQ, Group-V, MIS-II, CPF, Warehousing.

Deputy Collector Riaz Hussain is moved from Group-VII, Audit (external/internal) and assigned Group-III, One Customs, Audit (internal/external).

Deputy Collector Ammara Durrani is moved from R&D, MIS-I, PRV, and assigned MIS-I, PRV.

Deputy Collector Suhaib Anwer is moved from Laboratory, DTRE, Facilitation & Coordination, Recovery, Recovery Officer and Railway Dry Port. His new assignment includes Laboratory, DTRE, Facilitation & Coordination, Railway Dry Port.

Deputy Collector Arslam Majeed Rana is moved from Examination & Auction (East Wharf and Pak Shaheen), Timber Pond, TPX, Inter Port Movement and assigned Group-VI, Secretary Classification Committee.

Deputy Collector Faizan Badar is moved from Group-IV, Adjudication (DC level) and assigned Examination and Auction at PICT.

Assistant Collector Syed Muhammad Raza Naqvi is moved from Group-II, One Customs, Securities Section, DR for cases before Chairman Appellate Tribunal, Secretary Classification committee, FTA Cell and assigned R&D, Group-IV, Securities Section, DR for cases before Chairman Appellate Tribunal, FTA Cell.

Assistant Collector Abeer Javaid is moved from Group-I, Law-I, FTO-I, Adjudication (AC level), Refund, Weboc role of printing of cheques, Transshipment, MCD and assigned Law-I, FTO-I, Adjudication (AC level), Refund, Weboc role of printing of cheques, Transshipment, MCD.

Assistant Collector Hamza Lak is moved from Grouo-V, warehousing to Examination and Auction at East Wharf and Pak Shaheen, Timber Pond, TPX, Inter-Port Movement.

Assistant Collector Maleeka Jafri is moved from Group-VIII, Law-II, FTO-II, Pre-Refund Audit and assigned Group-II, Law-II, FTO-II, Pre-Refund Audit.

Assistant CollectorAzka Zafar Rana is moved from Group-III, User ID-I/User ID-II and assigned Examination and Auction at NLCCT.

Assistant Collector Nabeel Siraj is moved from Examination and Auction at NLCCT and assigned Group-III, User ID-I/User ID-II.

On joining, Assistant Collector Usman Hameed Butt is assigned Group-I and Assistant Collector Salik Mahmood will join Group-VII, Recovery, Recovery Officer.