KARACHI: Special Customs Appellate Tribunal (SCAT) comprising MuhammadNadeem Qureshi, Member Judicial and NazimSaleem Member Technical on Tuesday issued notices to Collector Adjudiciation Asif Marghoob Siddiqui and other respondents in an appeal filed by DIGICOM mobile company for Friday.

The appeal assailed an order passed by the Collector Adjudication who sustained an order passed by the relevant custom authorities who imposed a personal penaltyof rupees 2 million each in respect of equal number of consignments .The petitioner/appellant was also slapped with a 35 per cent fine and penalty on ground that importer failed to show “Type Approval” from PTA .

The petitioner/appellant seeks provisional release from the tribunal. A counsel from Franklin Law Associates appearing for the appellant submitted that, delay in release of consignment would render them “old model”, The batteries would also develop faults, the counsel said adding that appellant has already paid rupees 300 million. He stated that after PTA’s “Type Approval” the actions by the respondents areillegal.

The SCAT after a detailed hearing gave three day time to the respondents to respond to the law points raised in the appeal.