KARACHI: MCC Appraisement West has decided to appeal against the order of High Court of Sindh release consignment imported by M/s Badar Computers on payment of all duty and taxes along with pay-orders for fine and penalty.
Sources said that customs has undeniable proof that the goods imported and fraudulently cleared were banned to be imported in terms of Import Policy Order. Moreover, Customs is planning to lodge another FIR against M/s Badar Computers.
According to the details of case, M/s Badar Computers approached High Court seeking release of its consignment which was held by on account of certain mis-declaration.
The importer had submitted before the Court that they were ready to pay all the customs duties and taxes on the consignment and would further secure the fine and penalties by way of pay-orders which would be deposited with the Customs and they would be en-cashable on the result of the mis-declaration proceedings.
Though the mis-declaration proceedings may culminate in outright confiscation, but the imported merchandise admittedly are not on negative list and may ensue sharp decline in their value and utility and therefore, Court observed and noted State’s interest would be better secured if duties and taxes are paid and the fine/penalty, if any is secured through pay-order for the simple reason that in case ultimately the goods are out-rightly confiscated and put up to auction their sale keeping in view the decline in their value and utility even would not meet the duties and taxes.
Court ordered release of consignment on payment of duties and taxes and upon securing the fine and penalty through pay-order.
Court advised adjudicating authority to decide the case emanating from show-cause notice within 30 days hereof.