KARACHI: Director Customs Valuation Manzoor Hussain Memon has determined the customs values of Masterbatches vide Valuation Ruling No.786/2016.

Customs values of Masterbatches were determined through Valuation Ruling No.515/2012. One importer namely M/s. Standard Enterprises, Lahore approached High Court of Sindh stating that the prices have declined in the international market whereas their goods are being assessed on the values determined in the year 2012 by Directorate of Customs Valuation.

The said petition was disposed of with the directions that to decide the case. Therefore, Directorate General initiated an exercise for determination of customs values of Masterbatches.

Accordingly, Masterbatch (white color) under PCT chapter 32.06 of all origins will be assessed to duty and taxes at $2.65/KG. Masterbatch (black color) under PCT chapter 32.06 of all origins will be assessed to duty and taxes at $2.10/KG. Masterbatch (all other colors) under PCT chapter 32.06 of all origins will be assessed to duty and taxes at $4.16/KG.