KARACHI: Pakistan Customs prosecution has a single Special Prosecutor for whole of Karachi. It appears that Advocate Ashique Ali Anwar Rana, a seasoned and experience lawyer is appearing for the Pakistan Customs before Custom Court and other appellate forums singly.

He is ageing and therefore, a per information available to this web site has returned a number of case files to the department as he despite best effort he is unable to cope with the heavy burden of work.

Interestingly, Customs Collectorates have many times demanded approval from competent authorities for appointment of Special Prosecutors in BS 17 and 18 but such request were neither declined nor accepted as result of which prosecution of cases filed by Pakistan Customs are being badly affected in Karachi region.

The accused as well as prosecution, both sides are suffering due to indecision by the authorities concerned and if summaries, requests already on table are decided the custom prosecution is likely to improve resulting in speedy trials, decisions and hefty revenue for the government.