KARACHI: Collector Appeals Islamabad Zahid Ali Baig has dismissed the fines and penalties imposed by Deputy Collector Customs Adjudication on M/s United Brands Limited.

According to the details of the case, Customs staff stopped a vehicle loaded with Red Bull energy drinks, which later were seized as the driver of the vehicle could not provide evidence of lawful possession of the goods at that time.

The case was adjudicated and Deputy collector Adjudication Islamabad ordered outright confiscation of the seized goods and release of the vehicle on payment of 20 percent redemption fine.

Aggrieved with the judgment, the importer approached Collector Appeals submitting they owned the impugned goods lawfully imported vide GD KAPE-HC-109661 and KAPE-HC-4425.

After due deliberations and hearing both sides, Collector Appeals observed that the contentions of the importers hold weight. Collector Appeals granted the appeal and set aside the order-in-original and fines and penalties imposed thereof.