KARACHI: The Directorate General of Customs Valuation has issued a Valuation Ruling No 760/ 2015 determining values of Intravenous Cannula (I.V.Cannula) and Intravenous Catheter (I.V. Catheter).

The values were revised as a number of importers filed representations against the existing ruling and requested for redetermination. The local manufacturers also filed representations for upward revision of values reflecting actual international prices.

The Directorate General of Customs Valuation on receipt of such references undertook an exercise to re-determine the values. The importers pleaded for downward revision of the value while local manufacturers prayed for increasing the value as both the parties took divergent views regarding international market prices.

After the mandatory procedure, I.V.Cannula /I.V.Catheter would be assessed to duty and taxes at the following customs values:

VR 760