KARACHI: The Directorate General of Customs Valuation has determined the customs of value of Halal chicken and turkey meat (frozen) vide Valuation Ruling No.757/2015.

The Customs values of Halal Chicken Meat (Frozen) (H.S Code 0207.1200 & 0207.1400 were determined vide Valuation Ruling No. 700/2014.

The record of the case indicates that the importers on one hand and Pakistan Poultry Association on the other had taken diagonally opposite point of view regarding import value of chicken meat. The importer had submitted that they had purchased chicken meat (breast) frozen at $0.7/kg whereas Pakistan Poultry Association had submitted quotation from Chinese exporter indicating value for skinless whole chicken at $2.37/kg and for boneless breast at $3.27/kg.

The Association had contended that further addition of freight and other charges would increase the value considerably and that the quotation did not meet the ‘Halal’ specifications.

Both claims could not be verified through independent resources, therefore, market survey was conducted and values were determined.

The importer filed Revision Petition before Director General Valuation against eth said ruling. Director General declined interference with the ruling and rejected the petition.

The importer filed appeal against Revision Order before Customs Appellate Tribunal. Tribunal set aside the said ruling and directed to re-determine the customs values afresh.

Accordingly, an exercise was initiated to re-determine Customs values of the subject items.

Accordingly skinless chicken whole (frozen) under PCT 0207.1200 imported from China and UAE will be assessed to duty and taxes at $1.60 per KG.

Boneless chicken breast (frozen) under PCT 0207.1400 imported from China and UAE will be assessed to duty and taxes at $2.65 per KG.

Skinless turkey whole (frozen) under PCT 0207.2500 imported from UAE will be assessed to duty and taxes at $2.00 per KG.

Boneless turkey breast (frozen) under PCT 0207.2700 imported from UAE will be assessed to duty and taxes at $3.00 per KG.