Hyderabad: A fatal car accident near Hyderabad on revealed the misuse of an official vehicle by Deputy Collector Enforcement Hyderabad Amjad Lal. Two persons died and one was critically injured in the crash.
The car, bearing the number plate #GPA 469, was registered to Amjad Lal, but none of the occupants were government officials. The deceased were identified as Syed Qamar Abbas, an employee of Pakistan Revenue Automation Ltd (PRAL), and Arsalan, a private associate of Amjad Lal who allegedly handled his “extra-curricular” activities. The injured person was Farhan Baig, who was rushed to Civil Hospital Hyderabad.
The police are investigating the cause of the accident and the relationship between the victims and Amjad Lal. Sources said that Amjad Lal had lent his official vehicle to his friends for personal use, which is a violation of the government rules. The incident has raised questions about the corruption and accountability of government officers.