Quetta: The Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation (Customs), Quetta has raided a godown near Jatak Market Hazarganji, Quetta and seized a large quantity of foreign origin smuggled goods worth Rs 108.8 million. The seized goods include submersible pumps, assorted cloth, betel nut and cigarettes.

The raid was conducted on the night of October 7, 2023, following a tip-off from the Director General I&I Faiz Ahmed to the Director I&I Quetta Nadeem Memon. A team led by Inspector Hamid Habib reached the premises of Al-Hafiz godown with the assistance of Frontier Corps, MCC (Enforcement) and local police staff.

On search and checking, the team recovered the smuggled goods from the godown and arrested two suspects, Abdur Rabi s/o Abdul Bari and Ibrahim s/o Juma Gul. Notices were served on them and a case was lodged. The investigations are underway to nab the other culprits involved in the smuggling racket.

The Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation (Customs), Quetta has expressed its determination to continue its anti-smuggling drive and protect the national economy from the menace of smuggling. The directorate has also appealed to the public to cooperate with them and report any suspicious activities or movements of smuggled goods.

It may be mentioned here that all the no go areas in Quetta have been removed.