KARACHI: After the successful implementation of the pilot phase of the Mercantile Marine Department (MMD) integration with PSW, the commercial imports and exports of all items falling under the purview of Mercantile Marine Department are being switched over to PSW.
Clearance of such items will now be performed through filing Single Declaration (SD) on PSW system subject to electronic issuance of Release Order for Import and Export Certificate for Exports by MMD w.e.f. 10th October 2023.
Foregoing in view, it is requested that all importers and exporters engaged in the Import and Export of the aforementioned commodities may be informed to file Single Declaration through the PSW system for issuance of electronic import/export release orders/certificates for goods regulated by MMD and Customs clearance of their Import/Export consignments w.e.f. 10th October 2023.
Furthermore, as a facilitation measure, all importers and exporters can avail both the options of filing Goods Declaration or Single Declaration in respect of non-regulated goods with effect from 10th October 2023.Â