M/s Fatima Bonded Warehouse, along with importer and clearing agent is found to be involved in illegal removal of non-duty paid goods from their Customs Bonded Warehouse.

The MCC Port Qasim lodged an FIR against the M/s Fatima Warehouse Co, the importers and the accomplices. Moreover, MCC PMBQ, in the same letter, also requested the Collectorate of Appraisement (West), Karachi being the licensing authority under Customs Rules 2001 to put the said bonder’s license wider suspension.

Collector Appraisement West Sanaullah Abro observed the fact that the bonder failed to fulfill his responsibilities, wherein being the custodian of the goods he was responsible for the receipt and delivery of the goods in accordance with declaration of goods as assessed/cleared by customs.

The bonder was also responsible to report discrepancy, if any found in the description of goods being in-bond, to Customs. However, bonder failed to provide any such information to the authorities, even though goods had been tying in the warehouse for the past three years.

The goods which woe illegally removed have a value of Rs 8,750,900, and involve duty/taxes to the tune of Rs 2,428.069. It was the responsibility of the bonded warehouse to safeguard the non-duty paid goods.

Thus, it is established beyond doubt that the licensee/bonder has failed to discharge their duties and they were found involved in the evasion of duties/taxes through illegal removal of goods from the bond.

In the light of above facts, M/s Fatima Warehouse has been found guilty of non-fulfillment of his duties as a licensee, which constitute an offence under section 88, 97, 104 and 116 of the Customs Act 1969, read with section 3 and 6 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990, further read with section 148(1) of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001.Therefore, the license of M/s Fatima Bonded Warehouse is cancelled.