KARACHI: Syed Shahid Hussain Rizvi retired from the service of Pakistan Customs after an illustrious career spanning over more than three decades.
He joined Pakistan Customs in 1985 and his first posting was at Lahore. Soon he was transferred to Appraisement collectorate Karachi in 1987.
He was then posted in Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation Karachi in 1988. He was again posted in Appraisement where he has credit of detecting Acetic anhydride a chemical used for preparation of narcotic specially heroin powder.
Rizvi earned name when he lead the Pakistan to Customs to cases of huge liquor recovery. Later he served in Preventive Collectorate, Directorate of Transit Trade, Port Muhammad Bin Qasim Collectorate, Gwader Port. He lastly served and retired as Director of Law & Prosecution, Pakistan Custom, Karachi.