KARACHI: Arshad Jamal, an office bearer of All Pakistan Customs Agents Association (APCAA) has proposed that Customs Agents Licenses issued in the last five years may be regularized in view of their profile.
Moreover, another option for approving other educational institutions may also be allowed by the board under the Rule 93 so that a proper mechanism for written examination for the candidates who are interested in obtaining Customs Agents Licenses may be developed in accordance with law.
“Present Govt. is putting all of its efforts to rationalize the rules and procedures. The ease of doing business, free trade and the open competition in a transparent manner for good governance with an open door policy which leads to economic growth and provides opportunities for new job creation,” Jamal noted in a letter to Chairman FBR.
As a matter of record the last written examination conducted by Director General Training & Research (DGTR) was in 2013 and the results of which were withheld on charge of misappropriation and since then the issuance of Customs Agents Licenses are held up as on today.
The provisional Licenses issued by the Licensing Authority during the past over 5 years are regularized due to ill performance of DGTR thus deprived the reconstitution right.
Prime Minister’s vision for the creation of jobs becomes Shaky when the job opportunities like the subject matters are not take care of where necessary.
It won’t be out of place to mention here that the Rule 93 Chapter VIII SRO 450/2002 authorizes the DGTR or any educational institution authorized by the board would conduct the written examination in this regard.
Under the circumstances if the DGTR is not referring to the designated job under the rule then the option of authorizing any other educational institution by the board may be exercised in the larger interest of justice and to protect the rights of individuals as guaranteed by the constitution of Pakistan.
Moreover, we would like to refer here Sub Rule (I) Rule 93 of Chapter VIII Licensing Rules which provides exemption from written test to a retired Custom Officer not below the rank of Grade-14 from the written test.
The rationale behind Rule-93 Sub Rule (I), Chapter VIII SRO 450/2002 of the Licensing Rules for retired Customs Officers, as such the Licensing Authority is satisfied for their knowledge of Customs Rules, regulation and the working as such they are exempted from the written examination. Same rationale may be initiated in all the Customs Agents Licenses issued provisionally on the basis of their profile as they all are successfully operational and have their capacity and their skill in the clearance of goods from Customs.