QUETTA: The Custom Duty Collection by the Model Customs Collectorate (Appraisement) Quetta during the period July-May 2020-21 stood at Rs. 6380  million  against the assigned target of Rs. 4224 million, i.e Rs. 2156 million collected over and above the assigned target. This is 42 percent over and above the target.

The MCC Quetta during the month of May 2021 collected Rs. 474 Million as Custom Duty which is Rs. 115 Million above the assigned target of 359 million. 

Appraisement Quetta Collectorate has  collected total revenue of Rs.25 Billion during July 2020 to May  2021, which is  35% over and above the target.  Last year  collection was Rs. 20 Billion during  financial year 2019-20 . Meaning that Collectorate uptill May  2021 , has  collected Rs.  5 Billion more than the last year.

The Collectorate is following Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Islamabad’s policy of effective monitoring to combat mis-declaration, facilitation of trade through reduction in clearance time, open door policy for redressal of grievances and strict adherence to transparent and merit based decision making.

The Collectorate acknowledges the cooperation extended by Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Quetta, and Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chaman, to encourage legal trade.

Moreove. The  Collectorate in coordination with other sister agencies and stakeholders in constantly trying to increase legal trade to boost economic activities in     Balochistan, and to ensure that no leakage of Revenue occurs at any stage.

Collector  appraisement Abdul Waheed Murwat stated that this collection is the result of the all out combined efforts of the whole team leading by Chief Collector Gul Rehman and his inspiring leadership.  FBR lauded the Collectorate on its unprecedented performance.