QUETTA: Customs Quetta has sized large quantity of smuggled cloth and narcotics along with the transporting vehicle at Noshki check post.

Chief collector Enforcement Quetta Gul Rehman has advised the staff to keep strict vigilance on the movement of smuggled goods. Customs has expedited its anti-smuggling drive in Baluchistan so that the country could be rid of this menace.

Information was received through Collector Irfan Javed that certain elements would try to move smuggled goods and narcotics. Deputy collector Amjad Rajpar advised Superintendent Saleem Mandokhail and Inspector Ali Ahmed to tighten the vigilance.

Subsequently, a Mazda truck was spotted and stopped. The checking of the vehicle led to the recovery of smuggled cloth and narcotics including Brown Sugar and ICE worth millions of rupees.

Colletor Irfan Javed said that despite shortage of resources, Customs was efficiently carrying on the anti-smuggling drive in the province.

Moreover, Customs Quetta seized miscellaneous smuggled goods from a vehicle at Quetta Airport Road.