KARACHI: Chairman Businessmen Group (BMG) & Former President Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) Siraj Kassam Teli has said that BMG and KCCI fully support the prudent initiative taken by the ruling group at the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) which intends to shift FPCCI’s Head Office from Karachi to Islamabad. Hence, all BMGIANs and Supporters, who are either members of FPCCI’s Executive Committee or its General Body, are advised to fully endorse this initiative at the next General Body Meeting on 5th August so that this important institution could successfully be shifted to the federal capital which will definitely prove beneficial for the entire business & industrial community.
In a statement issued, Siraj Teli, while referring to the relevant Agenda Item of FPCCI’s General Body Meeting summoned on 5th August 2020, congratulated the ruling group for incorporating this vital agenda item in which it has been proposed that FPCCI’s Head Office be moved from Karachi to Islamabad. The approval given to this important agenda item by the General Body would transfer the Head Office to Islamabad and convert Karachi’s Office into a liaison office similar to any other liaison office which FPCCI already has in all provinces.
He said, “It is a very wise decision as Islamabad is the Federal Capital of the country and all the departments falling under the purview of the federal government are based in Islamabad therefore, it is very critical that FPCCI’s Head Office must also be based in Islamabad so that it could be in a much better position to efficiently advocate the issues being faced by business & industrial community and instantly get them resolved. Relocation of FPCCI’s Head Office in Islamabad would also prove economically viable for the institution as it will drastically cut down the travelling and hotel expenses”, he added.
He stressed that FPCCI’s presence in Islamabad would surely make it a vibrant institution by enabling it to always stay in touch with the federal government and all its departments including Prime Minister’s Office, President’s Office, Offices of all the Ministries such as the Finance & Revenue, Commerce & Textiles, Industry & Production, Energy etc. as well which is in the larger interest of the country as it would help in getting numerous issues instantly resolved.
Chairman BMG was of the opinion that FPCCI is the apex body of Pakistan and its prime responsibility is to have strong linkages with the federal government so that economic policies could be extensively discussed after taking inputs and suggestions from all the Chambers and Associations, who are FPCCI’s members. It would create an ideal situation and enable FPCCI to frequently hold meetings with all the lawmakers for discussing economic issues and giving valuable inputs for devising policies which are beneficial for the business and industrial community.
He said, “We have been demanding since long that FPCCI has to be moved from Karachi to Islamabad as it is not FPCCI’s job to hold meetings with police officers and collectors in Karachi. It is principally incorrect that instead of focusing on national policies, FPCCI stays engaged in local issues and they have also been issuing visa recommendation letters which is wrong as no individual business/ industry is a member of FPCCI. It is heartening to see that the ruling group at FPCCI has identified this serious flaw in FPCCI’s functioning and has taken the bold initiative to move the head office from Karachi to Islamabad which BMG and KCCI warmly welcome and appreciate. All Chambers and All Pakistan Associations are the members of FPCCI while no industry, individual business, town association or industrial association are FPCCI members yet they have been entertaining such institutions which is wrong” Siraj Teli once again urged all BMGIANs to fully support this initiative at the next General Body Meeting on 5th August so that FPCCI moves to Islamabad.