KARACHI: The political divide between PTI lead federal government and PPP’s Sindh government is likely to widen further as Prime Minister Imran Khan embarks on two day tour of Sindh this evening starting from today.

Prime Minister Khan will fly in Karachi and will have scheduled meetings with traders, businessmen, PTI’s elected members of National Assembly, Sindh Assembly and other from joint opposition including SDA. All these meeting including crucial meeting on Covid 19 or Corona virus will be held at Governor House where Governor Ismail will be the host.

Ironically, the Sindh Chief Minister Sindh Qaim Ali Shah’s attendance at this meeting is doubtful as he was not invited, even not informed of PM’s itinerary in the city and province. PM Khan is also to visit Larkana on Wednesday, June 17, the power center of PPP. PPP’s senior Minister Nasir Hussain Shah yesterday when informed of Prime Minister’s visit to Sindh reportedly said that he will welcome the Prime Minister on arrival at Karachi airport if informed of such visit.

Sindh is under control of CM Murad Ali Shah as he is the Executive head while Governor is a figure head being representative of the federal government. Any meeting if to be meaningful and effective, it must be held at Chief Minister’s house but due to the difference between the two parties, PTI is ignoring Sindh Chief Minister and Sindh government which in recent scenario may further widen the gulf between the two governments. The difference means inbuilt fault in decision making aimed at fighting the Corona pandemic and failed policies, failed action. While Sindh government is behaving like a mature political entity, federal government is yet to accept that fight against the pandemic could be won only by joint strategy and uni-directed actions other wise the people will pay a heavy price.

The political front is likely to be volatile in next few days with growing number of deaths due to pandemic and any political challenge by PTI to  PPP in its bastion will not go unchallenged, believes political analysts.