LONDON: Euskaltel, the leading converged telecommunications provider in the North of Spain, has announced a new agreement giving it long-term access to Orange’s fibre network covering 14 million households and access to data-rich mobile services across Spain.

Zegona Communications is the largest shareholder of Euskaltel S.A. owning over 20%.

In addition, Euskaltel has also announced the renewal of its mobile access agreement with Telefonica on improved financial terms. These agreements secure significant savings and improved long term visibility for the company.

Eamonn O’Hare, Zegona’s Chairman and CEO commented: “These agreements represent a very important next step in Euskaltel’s new strategic direction. The terms negotiated with Orange and Telefonica provide strong foundations for Euskaltel’s national expansion plan, not only delivering access to millions of new potential customers, but also creating significant cost savings for the business.”