PESHAWAR: The Secretary (Mgt.Cus.III) has notified the transfer of a number of BPS 16, officers of Pakistan Customs at Peshawar. According to a notification issued on 30-7-2019, following transfers were ordered with immediate effect.
Asad Ali Shah Superintendent MCC Appraisement, Peshawar as Superintendent, Directorate of Transit Trade, Peshawar, Imtiaz Ahmed Afridi Superintendent Preventive Services, MCC Appraisement as Superintendent, Preventive Services, MCC Preventive Peshawar, Irshad Akbar, Nisar Ahmed Abbasi, Muhammad Ayaz, Abdul Waheed, Rafiullah and Zia-ul-Haq all inspectors posted at MCC, Collectorate of Appraisement Peshawar as Inspectors, Directorate of Transit Trade, Peshawar.
All these officers were directed to relinquish present charge and to assume new charge using online HRMS facility by using their IJP logins.