MUMBAI: Investigations by the Gurgaon police into a complaint filed by Indiabulls  against  one  Vikash  Shekhar  who  is  under  arrest (the  bail  petition  of  Vikas  Shekhar  has  been denied by the courts) has blown the lid off an organized racket run by the duo of Kislay Panday and his father Ram Mani Panday, who are advocates by profession.

The father and son duo run a law firm from Delhi  under  the  name  Managium  Juris  LLP  with  staff  strength  of  around  10  people  advertising  on  their website a firm of 3000 lawyers. A structured and organized set-up enables them in projecting themselves as legitimate law firm.

Their modus operandi is to first purchase few shares of the target company in the name of their crony associates and then target such large corporates by fabricating facts and figures which are  used  to  frame  voluminous  complaints  to  various  government  agencies  including  courts  alleging financial irregularities and frauds of unimaginably huge amounts.

Such complaints are then sent to various authorities  on  behalf  of  the  crony  associates under  the  shareholder  whistle  blower  policy.  Such shareholders are made to buy 4shares of the company worth Rs.3000 only a month back.

They then file a petition  before  the  court  in  a  manner  that  such  petitions  don’t  get  immediately  listed  and  then  extort monies in lieu of withdrawing such complaints and petitions. Investigating agencies are also probing their involvement in profiteering by creating turbulence in share prices of companies.

Upon evaluation  of  the  evidences  gathered  so  far  in  the  case  and  statements recorded  by  various employees of Managium Juris under section 164 in front of a judge, the courts have issued non bailable arrest warrants against Kislay Panday and Mani Ram Panday. Both of them are absconding and on the run.

Records at the Seemapuri Police Station, Delhi show that there are at least 4 FIR’s against Kislay Panday and  Ram  Mani  Panday  filed  between  the  years  2002-2011 by  various  individuals for  offences  such  as cheating, fraud, extortion, blackmailing, threatening and offences under the Arms Act.