KARACHI: MCC Port Qasim has lodged an FIR against M/s Elysium Corporation and M/s Zamzam Plastic Industries for unlawful cross stuffing of the cargo from one container for illegal clearance of PVC scrap which was not otherwise importable.[the_ad id=”31605″]Brief facts of the case are that M/s. Elysium Corporation imported a consignment of PVC scrap having weight 42780 Kgs from United Kingdom. However, the importer M/s. Elysium Corporation, Karachi was not entitled to import PVC Scrap for the reason that the unit has no adequate manufacturing facility which is prime pre-requisite condition to import the PVC Scrap and in this regard a contravention report dated 23.05.2019 had been made against the said unit.

The importer submitted an application for self-examination and preparation of inventory. The said request was acceded to and the said containers were grounded. However, the same were stacked back as per Log Report of M/s. Modem Terminal Operator.

Subsequently, Adnan of M/s. Ahsan Traders Clearing Agent asked the Terminal Operator to re-ground the said containers. Accordingly, Terminal Operator re-grounded the aforesaid containers in odd hours as re-grounding of containers is not done and/or allowed in such odd hours.

Clandestinely, on same day M/s. Zamzam Plastic Industries, Peshawar were also grounded as such all the five containers, two pertaining to M/s. Elysium Corporation, Karachi and three containers pertaining to M/s. Zamzam Plastic Industries, Peshawar were remained grounded simultaneously.

The importer M/s. Elysium Corporation. Karachi, in order to circumvent the provision of Import Policy Order, 2016 instead of examination and preparation of inventory in active connivance of the concerned clearing agent cross-stuffed the imported PVC scrap by them in the containers pertaining to M/s. Zamzam Plastic Industries, Peshawar.

Simultaneously, the freely importable goods i.e Plastic Metalized film in Rolls of standard quality, Plastic Transparent Film in Rolls of Standard Quality and End Core Paper Waste stalled in aforementioned three containers of M/s. Zamzam Plastic Industries, Peshawar were cross-stuffed in the containers imported by M/s. Elysium Corporation, Karachi.

As such the PVC Scrap which is otherwise restricted item imported by M/s. Elysium Corporation, Karachi was switched with the freely importable goods imported by M/s. Zamzam Plastic Industries, Peshawar.

This cross-stuffing/shifting/switching was done under active supervision of Kamran employee of M/s. Ahsan Traders, Karachi as disclosed by Saqib Zaki Supervisor of M/s. Modern Terminal Operator (MTO) in his statement.

FIR has been lodged against M/s Elysium Corporation, M/s Zamzam Plastic Industries and clearing agent M/s Ahsan Traders and their accomplices. Investigations are under way.