MUMBAI: IndusInd Bank has announced the launch of a multimedia campaign to commemorate the completion of the Bank’s journey of 25 years. Christened ‘#Just25’, the all new campaign takes inspiration from the 25 year olds of today.
Individuals who are innovators, who have made a difference, levelled the playing field or beaten the odds to take on the world. The campaign reflects IndusInd Bank’s ethos of being an innovator, an achiever with one cohesive goal of becoming India’s most Convenient Bank.
Speaking on the campaign, Anil Ramachandran, EVP & Head, Marketing and Retail Unsecured Assets at IndusInd Banksaid said, “2019 is indeed a celebratory year as IndusInd Bank turns 25. Our #Just25 campaign embodies the many attributes of who we are and what we have achieved in our wonderful 25-year journey. There is an exuberance and joy at what we have achieved, but more importantly there is a sense of anticipation and promise of what lies ahead. The campaign underscores our constant commitment to our customers over the years. It throws light on how we, in our own way, are trying to make a difference to the wonderful community that we are a part of while steadfastly focusing on our core mission of making banking truly convenient. This milestone provides us an opportunity to both reflect on our past,and to look forward to the rich promise of an even brighter future. We continue to remain mindful that the world is an ever-changing place, and if anything, we must continue to stay young and relevant. We strongly believe that our passion for delivering unique and innovative banking solutions, and our inherent commitment to putting our customer at the heart of all that we do, will continue to be our driving force for the next 25 years.”[the_ad id=”31605″]