KARACHI: As the investigation into the case regarding recovery of luxury vehicles from the warehouse of M/s Redco advances, it has emerged that a similar case had happened early this year when Deputy Collector Mohammad Faisal ASO MCC (Preventive) Karachi already did 22 Qatar’s luxury vehicles case in February, 2018.
Adjudication order was also passed in favor of ASO Preventive against three vehicles seized, which were recovered from possession of one Hashim Khan and Consulate of Qatar similarly confirmed their ownership, however, they failed so far to give accounts of remaining 19 vehicles.
These vehicles were imported under import-cum-export basis in 2016. Recently, Hashim Khan and others filed a petition in High Court and made MOFA, Minstry of Commerce, MCC Appraisement (East) and MCC (Preventive) Karachi as respondents.
It is pertinent to mention here that Embassy of Qatar has not been able to provide legal import documents in any of the case. An official said vehicles are temporarily imported by various embassies and missions but then these are re-exported after serving their purpose. Ministry of Foreign Affairs has advised the Qatar Embassy to re-export the vehicles.
Manager of M/s Redco Irfan Siddiqui has submitted a letter to the Directorate of Customs Intelligence and investigation, which seems to be issued by the Embassy of Qatar.
The letter reads that the vehicles recovered from warehouse of M/s Redco were legally imported in Pakistan by the Qatari dignitary Sheikh Hammad Bin Jassim Jabr Al Thani, former Premier of Qatar government.
Moreover, the vehicles were parked in ex-senator Saif ur Rahman in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.
It may be recalled that 21 luxury vehicles were recovered from M/s Redco,s warehouse owned by Saif ur Rahman. Customs Intelligence is of the view that vehicles were smuggled and non duty paid.
Officials said the subject letter was doubtful, and needed verification whether it was actually issued by embassy or forged.
It may be recalled that a letter from Qatari prince Shaikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Hamad bin Abdullah bin Jassim bin Muhammed Al Thani had confirmed that he gave money to the Sharif’s family for the purchase of flats in London.