KARACHI: Directorate of Customs Intelligence Hyderabad has detained a consignment of foreign origin anti-mosquito lotion worth Rs1.703 million on the basis of information that the goods were non-duty paid.
The goods were meant to be transported to Jalalabad, Afghanistan under Afghan Transit Trade (ATT). Principal Appraiser Irshad shah had the information that these goods were non-duty paid and were being transported to up-country and not to Afghanistan.
ATT goods are transported in sealed containers affixed with tracking devices. However, the subject goods were in loose form and were moved in a vehicle and not in a container. The vehicle was stopped at Hatri bypass, Hyderabad. The driver of the vehicle could not produce legal requisite documents regarding import and lawful possession on spot. Therefore the goods have been detained to ascertain its legal import and lawful possession.
Irshad Shah is known to be a very competent official and he recently made a case wherein smuggled kerosene oil was cleared in the garb of white spirit from MCC Quetta; three oil tankers had been seized which belonged to one Sadiq Kakar.
PA Irshad Shah has been transferred to Lahore from Hyderabad because of his performance against smuggling. Sources said certain officials of Customs Intelligence & Investigation were patronizing the smugglers and officials coming hard on smuggling were transferred.