KARACHI: Chief Collector Appraisement South Abdul Rasheed Sheikh stopped clearance of of EPZ consignments being processed through MCC Appraisement East, MCC Appraisement West and MCC Port Qasim on July 27, 2018.
Consignments that re imported destined for EPZ are processed a Transshipment Permit (TP). The terminal operators have been advised to ground these consignments for examination. Examination would be conducted on Monday, and then these consignments will be cleared for EPZ.
R&D of the three collectorates and examination staff will examine the goods. Sources said Chief Collector has received information that contrabands such as acetic annhydride and Efiderine etc are being cleared through EPZ.
EPZ consignments are cleared without examination as per the Standing Order in 1984. Although the dynamics have changed to a large extent but the clearance and processing of EPZ consignments were being processed as per the obsolete Standing Order in 1984.
Sources said there had been cases wherein EPZ consignments were being moved without MCC Preventive escorts.