KARACHI: Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) Gwadar has exceeded Revenue Collection over the assigned Target by massive 67% for the first half (July-December) of Financial Year 2016-17.

Total revenue collection target of the Collectorate for the first six months July-December was Rs.7102 million while collection against this target stood at Rs.11885.50 million, an increase of 67% over the assigned target. This collection is 87% more than the revenue collection of the corresponding period of the previous year 2015-16 when only Rs.6324 million were collected.

Break up of the revenue collection for the first six months of the financial year 2016-17 shows that against a target of Customs Duty of Rs. 1922 million Rs. 2607 million were collected and against a target of Sales Tax of Rs. 4402 million Rs. 6494 million were collected. Similarly, Rs. 2785 million were collected against the targets of withholding tax of Rs. 768 million, FED Rs. 10.46 million and nil target of miscellaneous.

A comprehensive strategy coupled with the strong anti-smuggling measures against non-duty paid and contraband items materialized into surpassing the revenue collection target. Officers and staff of MCC, Gwadar under the guidance of Collector Saeed Akram made all out efforts to stop revenue leakage and ensure every single penny which should have been collected as Customs revenue goes into the national exchequer.

During the same period anti smuggling wing of MCC, Gwadar seized goods worth Rs.1687 million including high speed diesel (HSD) 437310 liters, 3779 Kgs of narcotics and other miscellaneous items.