KARACHI: The prices of all pulses have gone up before the federal budget 2016-17 due to falling production as agricultural sector is ignored by the present government viz a viz industry and other sectors.

According to market sources  moong  price go up by 14 per cent. Maash by 85 per cent, gram 115 per cent black gram by 80 per cent. The prices of other edibles also go up with rice registering an increase of 35 per cent, sugar by 17 per cent. Interestingly besan used in most preparations of iftar witnessed a 100 per cent rise belying all claims of the government of giving relief to the masses in the holy month of Ramzan.

Economists were of the view that poor performance of agriculture sector is due to wrong priorities by the government which is more focused on development projects (construction industry) while agri sector is badly ignored.