ISLAMABAD: Directorate General of Customs Intelligence Federal Bard of Revenue (FBR) and Model Customs Collectorates (MCCs) for the first time jointly launched major crackdown against smuggles and non-duty paid smuggled vehicles across the country.

It is reliably learnt here on Monday that the FBR has issued special instructions to the field formations on the joint operations of the Collectorates of Customs and DG Customs Intelligence. The FBR has taken serious notice of the reports regarding organized smuggling of miscellaneous items like cloths, tea, tyres, dyes and chemicals and other consumer items particularly in KPK, Rawalpindi, Islamabad upto Faisalabad, Sialkot, Lahore and Multan.

Previously, Directorate General of Customs Intelligence FBR had conducted anti-smuggling operations separately whereas MCCs in the field formations take their own initiates of anti-smuggling under guidance of the Board. Now, joint operations would be conducted by the customs intelligence and the Customs Collectorates across the country.

High-ups of the customs department met Collectors and officials of the Customs Intelligence on Feb 12 and a unified strategy to curb menace of smuggling was devised with the directions to the field formations for maximum utilization of human resources and logistic support from all the field formations to carry our joint anti-smuggling operations specially Northern Region and Central region and other parts of the country. In this connection, Collectorates of Customs and Directorate General of Customs Intelligence have been directed to devise joint anti-smuggling strategy and initiate operations forthwith.

Directorate General of Customs Intelligence would play the lead role in anti-smuggling activities and the agency would work as pivotal point for overall coordination for the operation.

Sources said that all out efforts would be made to eliminate the menace of smuggling. For this purpose, the operations would be conducted in full support of the other law enforcement agencies including Frontier Constabulary, Rangers, Khyber Rifles, police, motorway police, National Highway Authority (NHA) and all other relevant government agencies and departments.
These joint operations would lead to the stoppage of the smuggling activities and movement of smuggled goods specially coming from Afghanistan and pouring into KPK and Central Region. The joint anti-smuggling operations would be instrumental in increasing the legal imports as well as enhancement of revenues at the import stage with positive mpact on national economy.
Such kind of joint anti-smuggling operations of the agency and Collectorates of Customs would also have positive impact on the business community, traders, merchants and other stakeholders.

According to sources, the FBR has also decided that there would be no more amnesty scheme in future for the legalization of non-duty paid smuggled vehicles. For this purpose, dedicated cells/mobile units of the customs and customs intelligence have been formed for immediate launching of the operations for seizure/and confiscation of such vehicles plying in the country.