KARACHI: As the negotiations between goods transporters and Commissioner Karachi failed, the United Goods Transporters Alliance Pakistan (UGTAP) has gone on a strike from February 04, 2016 for an indefinite period.

The transporters also had meeting with Kamran Micheal but to no avail. Transporters are only transporting the goods contracted earlier and there are no new contracts.

Chairman UGTAP Shabbir Malik Khan, General Secretary Mohammad Shoib Khan and provincial presidents Zulfiqar Chaudry, Zakir Hayat and Haji Noor Jehan are pressing the authorities to pass on the benefit of declining oil prices to consumers and transporters and demand withdrawal of increased advance income tax.

The transporters alliance is also concerned about the lawlessness on highways particularly in Punjab along with unfair treatment by National Highway Authority and Motorway Police. Transporters are also demanding an stop to misuse of laws and bribe demands of Customs and excise authorities.

UGTAP also demands that the occupation on the land allotted for transporters by Karachi Port Trust should be vacated and the land should be handed over to TGA. The office bearers of the transporters alliance mentioned that Minister for Ports and Shipping and Chairman KPT committed to allot 5 acres plot for the parking of transporters, but it wasn’t fulfilled.

Other demands include setting up of police posts at Northern bypass, link roads and national highway; allotment of 500 acres land for truck stand on northern bypass; restriction of Afghanistani vehicles’ intervention in local market and trade; opening of Mai Kolachi road for heavy vehicles or construction of Southern bypass; issuance of weapon licenses for protection etc.