KARACHI: The staff of the Directorate of PCA (Customs) Karachi during November 2015 reported 37 cases of evasion of customs duty Sales Tax, Income Tax, mis-declaration, short payments of Sales Tax.

According to a Statement of Detection/Contraventions, 27 Audit objections were reported while 10 contraventions were prepared and cases made for recovery of Rs300,406 million. This amount was evaded through claiming inadmissible benefits of concessionary SRO, mis-declaration and misclassification.

The cases/contraventions reported involved consignments from USA, China, UK, UAE, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada, Japan, Iran, Hong Kong, Germany, Australia, Malaysia, European Union and Turkey.

It may be mentioned here that PCA Karachi is effectively pursuing plugging of revenue leakage and there is been a significant decline in the cases of under-invoicing and misuse of concessionary SROs.