KARACHI: The investigations into the pilferage of US Army/Nato/ISAF cargo in Pakistan have unveiled astonishing as well as alarming aspects, which make it even a sensitive case.
The Directorate General of Afghan Transit Trade (ATT) had arrested drivers of 11 vehicles, on which the containers were loaded. Investigations have revealed that six of them are Afghan nationals while the vehicles they were driving were also registered in Afghanistan. These vehicles were plying in Pakistan on fake number plates. Further confirmations in these regard are being made.
The authorities have already traced the locations where the pilfered goods were kept and raids to recover the booty are about the start, sources said. It was known that the goods have been kept at various locations in the country.
Sources said that several sensitive agencies are coordinating with ATT in the ongoing investigations.
Sources said that authorities have found evidence enough to believe that a significant quantity of ‘black dollars’ was also leaked into the country.
Black dollars are dyed black to avoid Customs detection and pilferage in wrong hands. These black papers are through a chemical process are turned back to normal.
Sources said that a hypothesis has been set that different militant and armed groups are being funded through these black dollars. The currency is pilfered off transit cargo and then it reached into the hands of such groups, who already are in possession of the required chemical to clean these black papers.
Sources said intelluigence and investigation agencies are also looking this direction that armed groups in FATA and Balochistan are funded through reverse cargo of US Army and NATO/ISAF.
Sources said that it is an open secret now that several foreign agencies including RAW and MOSAD are active in Pakistan and pursuing their agenda through economic terrorism also.
Sources said that different goods including hazmat waste and explosive chemicals have also been pilfered off the reverse cargo.
Mobeen and Khan Mohammad are Afghan nationals have warehouses in Afghanistan where the containers coming from US bases are dumped for months.
After that, deals are made in Pakistan for the goods in these containers. After finalizing the deal, these containers are loaded on trailers and moved to Port Qasim and are pilfered en-route, sources in Afghanistan said.
It is interesting to note that no track of these consignments is kept by the sender or the receiver, as these consignments are dumped at warehouses for months, and the practice goes unnoticed.
They mostly hire dual nationality holder drivers i.e. Afghanistan and Pakistan. Sources said that many vehicles from Pakistan are returned by them and only those Pakistani drivers and vehicles are hired with whom some deal is done.
Sources said that despite several plots executed by these foreign elements, Pakistan is stable and progressing adding that it is because of the skills and devotion of Pakistan’s armed forces and allied agencies.
It may be recalled that other that the 11 drivers ATT has arrested two persons including a broker of vehicles, Tikka Khan and a bonded carrier, Sohail of M/s Bilal Associates. Sources said the ATT team comprising Director General Khawar Fareed Manika and Director Wajid and Deputy Director Shoib Raza has made remarkable progress and have identified the locations where the pilfered goods are kept.
Intelligence sources said this is a very organized ring comprising of elements reported to be M/s Security Packers, M/s Bilal Associates and some leading bonded carriers. Sources said they were, despite having bonded carrier license, using the name and license of a smaller bonded carrier M/s Port Connection.
DG Transit Trade Khawar Fareed Manika and Director Wajid Ali have advised the investigation team led by Deputy Director Shoib Raza to swiftly complete the investigations and bring the actual culprits to book.