KARACHI: The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has decided to establish Integrity & Performance Management Unit (IPMU) at HR Wing, FBR HQs, to introduce and maintain a system of accountability of performance, competence and conduct of the employees.
IPMU would ensure appropriate measures including internal controls to combat corruption within the organization under the Board and provide checks to ensure the integrity of employees that is verified periodically through applicable procedure which shall be made one of the criterion for promotion and incentives.
Moreover, the Unit would undertake performance evaluation of officers (BS 20 and above) of FBR to introduce and maintain a system of accountability of performance, competence and conduct of the employees.
Member HR, FBR shall be the head of IPMU, which will have two functional Cells i.e. Integrity Management Cell (IMC) and Performance Evaluation Cell (PEC), each headed by an officer of BS 20.
Core functions assigned to IMPU include development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in respect of FBR’s officers of BS 20 and above. Peculiar nature of different assignments, prescribed job description and impacting externalities shall be given due consideration while framing said KPIs; development of Code of Conduct in the light of Section 5 (1) (i) of FBR Act, which empowers FBR to take any action, issue rules, regulations, guidelines, code of conduct, in order to fulfill the objects and purposes of the Act; development of transparent criterion for integrity management and development of curriculum & reading material on ethical values, and performance pledges for FBR’s field formations & personnel.
On Integrity Management issues IPMU shall submit its periodical reports to Chairman FBR. On Performance Evaluation, however IPMU shall share its findings with concerned Member and after incorporating his views, the reports shall be forwarded to Chairman FBR.
IPMU’s in-put, emanating from objective performance evaluation & criterion shall be used for transfers, postings and promotions of FBR officers of BS 20 and above. The cases indicating glaring instances of inefficiency, misconduct and corruption, made out by IPMU, which warrant further action under E&D shall be processed in accordance with the laid down administrative law & procedure.
Chairman FBR has the authority to give an opportunity of being heard to the officers impacted by IPMU’s in-put, order any informal inquiry, if he so desires, or refer back the issue to IPMU for review.
All operational strategies evolved by IPMU shall be enforced after formal approval by Board-in-Council, which may conduct periodical evaluation of IPMU.