KARACHI: The Model Customs Collectorate of Appraisement West has detected revenue loss due to incorrect classification, valuation and claim of SROs.
The R&D section found out short-payment of duty/taxes on certain consignments being processed on incorrect classification valuation and undue benefit of SROs.
The R&D intercepted a consignment at gate-out stage for detail scrutiny in terms of assessment, classification and admissibility of the benefits of taxes under the claimed SROs.
The physical examination found out several discrepancies and in the light of Valuation Guidelines issued on March 20, 2014 a short recovery of Rs416,615 was observed.
It was learnt that the practice of incorrect classification and undue benefit of certain SROs resulting in short-recovery of revenue was going on at MCC-Appraisement East and West. However, the MCC Appraisement West has taken corrective measures following MCC Port Qasim while this practice is still in vogue at MCC Appraisement-West.