KARACHI: A two member bench of Custom Appellate Tribunal Karachi hearing an application for implementation of judgment directed Collector Customs Jinnah International Airport (JIAP) to implement the judgment within 10 days and file a compliance report.

The bench earlier heard Allah Wasaya Zubair Advocate and Syed Amjad Ali Shah Advocate representing applicants Zahid Khalil and Muhammad Sheesh.

As per Customs, the passengers arrived from Dubai on 22-9-2021 and were using Green Channel when they were intercepted. A search lead to recovery of Diamonds and other Miscalebous good valued at Rupees 10,155,450.

The tribunal ruled in favor of applicants vide judgment dated 27-6-2023 which as per applicants counsel is not being implemented.

The bench in its order dated 13-7-2024 has noted that respondent Collectorate is insulting the tribunal and obstructing the process of law which falls under section 228 of PPC.