KARACHI: The road to democracy was set by the historic decision by 13 member full court bench of Supreme Court of Pakistan which decided the case of reserve seats by a majority of 8-5.

Senior Pusine Judge Justice Mansoor Ali Shah read the judgment which declared the order of the Peshawar High Court as unconstitutional. The manner in which the Election Commission of Pakistan acted and declared the members of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf as independent candidates was also declared ultra vires of the constitution of Pakistan.

The short order which was shown live on television networks contained a number of terms under which candidates who returned to National Assembly were asked to file affidavit that they belong to PTI before the Election Commission of Pakistan. The PTI was also asked to issue a confirmation after which ECP was under obligation to declare them as winner belonging to PTI.

Justice Yahya Afridi readout the dissenting order from 5 minority judges including Chief Justice Fayez Issa.

The detailed order is to follow.

The decision has blocked an eminent government move to bring a constitutional amendment extending tenure of judges of apex court by three years and other amendment aimed at having a tight grip. This could be the beginning of an end for the PML-N led government.