KARACHI: One employee of Karachi International Container Terminal (KICT) namely Arsalan was diagnosed with COVID-19 three days ago, but KICT quietly removed him to quarantine without informing Customs authorities about the incident.
Arsalan is employed in the IT section of KICT on the fourth floor of the building in which Customs officers and officials also have their offices.
After three days of the incident, KICT management sealed the 4th floor.
This negligence of KICT has put its own staff, Customs staff and many others at risk.
The entire building needs to be sealed and property disinfected and fumigated.
Earlier, Custom House Karachi was fumigated and disinfected. Reliance Petrochem Industries Private limited did this job using Alcohol-base Sanitizers.
Custom House Karachi was closed on April 08, 2020 after a PRAL employee was diagnosed with the Corona Virus. However, the building was reopened next day after sanitization done by Reliance Petrochem Industries.
The Reliance Sanitizer is produced in Pakistan in accordance with the FDA and World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.