LAHORE: The Chairman of Custom Appellate Tribunal while hearing a Custom Appeal No K-83 of 2025 filed by Shafiq ur Rahman (Appellant) against revalidation of License of a Customs Public Bonded Warehouse License No PWL 06/2021 ordered that in-bonding of goods in the ware house known as Islam Sons be stopped for one month.

The grounds for stoppage were stated to be its location in a vulnerable area prone to Urban flooding being below the road level thus violative of Section 115 of the Customs Act 1969.

As per Appellant who is one of the partners in Islam Sons, the custom officials have illegally revalidated the license as it also violates the Section 16 of the Partnership Act 1932. Adnan Motan Advocate assisted by Muhammad Saad Shafiq Siddiqui represented the Appellants and submitted that undue favor was given to the respondent as license was renewed after its expiry/validity period and therefore un-duty paid goods cannot be stored in such a Bonded Warehouse.