HYDERABAD: In a significant move to curb smuggling activities, the Collectorate of Customs Enforcement, Hyderabad, has intensified its crackdown on smuggled goods, illegal godowns, and dumping places. Under the leadership of Mr. Basit Abbasi, Chief Collector Customs Enforcement, Islamabad, the Collectorate has focused on promoting legal trade activities and discouraging illegal businesses that rely on smuggled goods. The operation aims to protect the exchequer and support legitimate businesses by targeting non-duty paid and counterfeit goods.
In a recent intelligence-based operation, the Assistant Collector of Customs, Sukkur, led simultaneous raids on a godown in Golimar Area, Sukkur, and an illegal cigarette manufacturing factory in Rohri. The operation resulted in the seizure of a massive quantity of counterfeit cigarettes, smuggled raw materials for cigarette manufacturing, and cigarette manufacturing machinery, with an estimated value of Rs. 364 million (36 Crore 40 lac).
The operation began with intelligence received about non-duty paid raw materials being stored in a compound in Golimar Area, Sukkur. A team from the Anti-Smuggling Unit, in coordination with local police and a sister intelligence agency, intercepted a van loaded with 72 cartons of counterfeit cigarettes of various brands. Further investigation led to the discovery of a godown containing more counterfeit cigarettes and raw materials. The team also raided a factory in Rohri, where the counterfeit cigarettes were being produced. The factory was found to contain a large quantity of non-duty paid raw materials and machinery for cigarette manufacturing.
The successful operation highlights the commitment of the Collectorate of Customs Enforcement, Hyderabad, to combat smuggling and protect the country’s economy from the adverse effects of counterfeit goods.