Karachi: Sheikh Muhammad Tariq, former Vice Chairman of the All Pakistan Customs Agents Association (APCAA), which proudly represents over 5,000 licensed customs agents across the nation. It is with a sense of urgency and responsibility that I bring forth our collective concerns regarding the proposed introduction of parallel laws that specifically target customs agents. We believe these proposed regulations are not only unnecessary but also indicative of a biased approach toward our community.

Sheikh Muhammad Tariq The existing legal framework in Pakistan, particularly the Pakistan Penal Code and the Customs Act, 1969, already comprehensively addresses various offenses related to fraud, misrepresentation, and negligence. These laws provide adequate provisions to govern the conduct of customs agents and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. The introduction of additional laws aimed exclusively at customs agents would create legal redundancy and complicate an already complex legal environment. This could result in customs agents being subjected to double penalties for similar infractions, undermining the principle of equity and fairness within our legal system.

Moreover, it is particularly disconcerting to observe that customs agents are being singled out for additional scrutiny while other vital stakeholders in the import/export process, including importers, exporters, and shipping agents, continue to operate under broader legal statutes. This targeted approach not only diminishes the essential role that customs agents play in facilitating international trade but also raises significant questions regarding the fairness and consistency of our regulatory framework.


In light of these pressing concerns, we strongly advocate for the following actions:


  1. Constructive Dialogue: We urge the FBR to engage in meaningful and constructive discussions with representatives from the All Pakistan Customs Agents Association before implementing any new regulations that could have a significant impact on the operations and livelihoods of customs agents. It is crucial that our voices and perspectives are taken into account during the policy making process.
  2. Suspension of Proposed Laws: We respectfully request the immediate suspension of any proposed laws targeting customs agents until a thorough review and comprehensive consultation with our community are conducted. It is essential that any regulatory changes reflect the realities of the trade environment and do not unfairly burden customs agents.
  3. Recognition of Our Role: We implore government officials to recognize and appreciate the critical importance of customs agents in the trade ecosystem. Our community plays an integral role in facilitating the smooth flow of goods across borders, and it is imperative that we are not subjected to legislation that unfairly targets us without just cause.


Sheikh Muhammad Tariq The customs agents’ community stands ready and willing to collaborate with the Federal Board of Revenue to foster a fair and effective regulatory environment that upholds the interests of all stakeholders involved in international trade. We believe that through constructive engagement, we can work together.

Sheikh Muhammad Tariq

Former Vice Chairman of the All Pakistan Customs Agents Association (APCAA)