KARACHI: Customs Intelligence and Investigation successfully intercepted a large consignment of smuggled betel nuts being transported from Baluchistan to Karachi. The operation was initiated based on intelligence received from DG Ali Raza Hanjra and communicated to Director I&I Karachi Mian Masood and Additional Director Afzal Wattoo. The intelligence indicated that a dumper truck would be used to transport the smuggled goods for illegal sale in Karachi.

Acting on this information, Deputy Director Adarsh Jawahiri formed a dedicated team comprising Superintendents Zia Moein and Khalid, among others, to intercept the smuggled goods. The team set up a surveillance operation near 4-K Chowrangi, North Karachi. At approximately 10:50 AM, they intercepted a Hino Dumper Truck bearing Registration No. TAB-452, which was ostensibly loaded with stone crush.

Upon questioning, the truck driver, Abdul Basit Shah, claimed that the truck was only carrying stone crush. However, a cursory inspection by the team revealed foreign-origin betel nuts concealed beneath the stone crush. Abdul Basit Shah was unable to provide satisfactory answers or any legal documentation to support the lawful import or possession of the betel nuts.

As a result, the truck and its illicit cargo were seized under the relevant provisions of the Customs Act, 1969. The seized goods were then transported to the state warehouse in the SITE Area of Karachi for a thorough examination. This detailed inspection, conducted in the presence of witnesses, revealed a substantial quantity of smuggled betel nuts. A total of 410 PP Bags containing 4540 kgs of betel nuts were recovered from beneath the stone crush.

The investigation identified Haji Nasruddin as the owner of the smuggled goods, with Javed Khan acting as his manager. Both individuals, along with the truck driver Abdul Basit Shah and Zahid Shah, have been charged with smuggling. An FIR has been lodged against them, and further investigations are underway to uncover more details about the smuggling network.

This operation highlights the vigilance and efficiency of Karachi Customs in combating smuggling activities and protecting the country’s economic interests.